Sand Sisters, watercolour and colour pencil on paper, polyester threads on silk organza, wood dowels, brackets, speakers, humming sound piece, 3x 5′ x 7′, 2021الشوق لجوقة العصافير عند الغسق (Longing for a choir of sparrows at dusk), Spray painted voile, nylon threads, hand-dyed cotton velvet upholstered cushions, speaker, 7’1”x14’7”x7’11”, 2021الشوق لجوقة العصافير عند الغسق (Longing for a choir of sparrows at dusk), Spray painted voile, nylon threads, hand-dyed cotton velvet upholstered cushions, speaker, 7’1”x14’7”x7’11”, 2021الشوق لجوقة العصافير عند الغسق (Longing for a choir of sparrows at dusk), Spray painted voile, nylon threads, hand-dyed cotton velvet upholstered cushions, speaker, 7’1”x14’7”x7’11”, 2021
الشوق لجوقة العصافير عند الغسق (Longing for a choir of sparrows at dusk), Spray painted voile, nylon threads, hand-dyed cotton velvet upholstered cushions, speaker, 7’1”x14’7”x7’11”, 2021مداعبة قبل الفجر (a caress before dawn), Dyed cotton velvet cushions, silk organza, plywood , 13 x 15 x 9 feet, 2020داعبة قبل الفجر (a caress before dawn) installation view, Dyed cotton velvet cushions, silk organza, plywood , 13 x 15 x 9 feet, 2020داعبة قبل الفجر (a caress before dawn) installation view, Dyed cotton velvet cushions, silk organza, plywood , 13 x 15 x 9 feet, 2020داعبة قبل الفجر (a caress before dawn) installation view, Dyed cotton velvet cushions, silk organza, plywood , 13 x 15 x 9 feet, 2020مداعبة قبل الفجر (a caress before dawn) installation view, Dyed cotton velvet cushions, silk organza, plywood , 13 x 15 x 9 feet, 2020I’m boiling, colour pencil on paper, 8,6 x 5,9 inch, 2020I’m boiling (close up), colour pencil on paper, 8,6 x 5,9 inch, 2020طفال الصحراء (desert children n.1), colour pencil on paper, 14 x 14 inch, 2020
Rihab Essayh is a Canadian-Moroccan interdisciplinary artist whose large-scale, immersive installations create spaces of slowing down and softening. Her research considers issues of isolation and disconnection in the digital age, imagining futurities of soft-strength and social reconnection by proposing a heightened attunement to colour, costume, tactility and sound.